Monday, July 30, 2012

Your Actions, my dear son....

July 30, 2012  **Monday. NHCC Library.  11:19a**

Proverbs 20:11

Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.

The book of Proverbs is very interesting to me.  I love that Solomon, the wisest guy who ever lived, wrote these very smart and God inspired stuff.  The thing that trips me out, about this book is that {to me} it's like a bunch of random things that is placed in an unconventional way--I mean like it doesn't read like a normal book does.  The verse before vs 11 says, "Differeing weights and differeing measures--the Lord detests them both" and then vs 13 reads, "Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare".  (the student bible. NIV)  I know {since I am a bible college student} that I will learn the very reasons why this book is the way it is. As I searched a few commentaries, in one of them, The Old Testament Library reference book, it was listed in a way that was not in a specific numerial order.  Lol, sorry about my mini wierd rant. about this verse:  I've been babysitting for a really good friend of mine and this verse reminded me of the little man, Gabe {the cutest 4 year old I know}.  He is pure in heart and very obedient to his father.  Sometimes, there are times when he gets wild and riley but because he has an amazing father, Gabe is truly a good boy.  The NIV Application Commentary explains that in this verse, the theme is on how to recognize a person's character.  It states that, "The 'child' is most likely the young man who does not fare well in this book.  While some take the proverb to mean that a person's character is revealed in early childhood or adolescence and that this makes a case for careful teaching (true as each thought may be), the point is that whether old or young, actions reveal character to those who have learned the wise art of discernment."  A person's true character always comes out in time.

Sometimes, I can act like a child.  In those times, they say my true colors are showing.  As I walk in my journey of life, I want people to see the true me.  I want character that shows people that although there may be tough and good times, it reveals that I trust a God that is good.  I don't want an ugly character that can tarnish or cause others to fall from God.

Lord, let my true colors shine.  Help me to have preserverance to keep trusting you, strength to push forward--one step at time, and encourage me to keep on keeping on.

Your actions, my dear son, is showing...are they positive or negative colors?


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