Monday, February 1, 2016

He fights for you

February 1, 2016  {Monday, 11:34am}

Exodus 14:13

"But Moses told the people, 'Don't be afraid.  Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you.  The Egyptians that you see today will never be seen again.  The Lord himself will fight for you. You won't have to lift a finger in your defense."

The ruler of Egypt had just let the people of Israel go from the land of Egypt, where they were all slaves.  Moses pleaded with Pharaoh to let his people go but he refused, only to have various plagues and finally the deaths of the first born sons.  As the Israelites escaped and ran from Egypt to worship the Lord, Pharaoh began to regret his decision on letting the slaves from leaving.  So he gathered up all of his best chariots and charioteers to try to get them back.  God lead the Israelites to the edge of the wilderness between the Red Sea.  As they saw Pharaoh's army chasing after them, they began to doubt the will and power of God.

There are many times in my life that I doubt and lose trust of what God is doing in my life.  I feel as if I'm stuck between the edge of the wilderness and the Red Sea with nowhere to go.  It is here where God meets me the most.  As for the Israelites, he sent Moses to raise his staff, and in God's power, the Red Sea is parted in half.  This is where I need to remember most, that God fights for me, there is a Moses somewhere lifting up his staff and the sea will part, I will be walking through the dry land and God will destroy the enemy.

Heavenly Father, I'm sorry for those times that I doubt you and lose my trust in you.  As I am faced with dilemmas and issues that arise in my life, help me to remember that I won't have to lift a finger because you are the one fighting for me.  Thank you for my life and everything in it.  Strengthen my hope and trust in you, help me to depend more on you and not myself.  Teach me your ways and soften my heart and mind to take in what lessons I need to learn and help me with the discipline that it comes with it.

You don't have to do anything, the Lord fights for you.  Trust him.        

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