Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Grains of Sand


Psalms 139: 17-18

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.  They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!


This chapter consistently refers to God's ominpresence, omniscience, and omnifience {definition: creating all things, having unlimited powers of creation.}  We can not fathom the greatness of God, we can only accept and submit to it with awe and trust. In these two verses, David stands still in reverential wonder at the greateness and at the vast sum of God's inscrutable thoughts.
This particular chapter of Psalms is my ultimate favorite Psalms.  The first time I heard this was when I was going through Horizon School of Evangelism but it didn't have a full impact until a friend of mine explained how God had blessed her.  I had asked her "How had God blessed you today?"  Her answer was so captivating, it changed how I view an aspect of the greatness of God.  She replied, "God has blessed her in the little things: her mom making coffee for her in the morning, her dad telling her that he loves her, the car she gets to use is in the exact position of how she likes to drive (she shares the vehicle), to hearing her favorite song as she starts the car".  This simple answer was so riveting and facinating it blew my mind! 

This revelation, in it's simplest terms made me realize that God, in his greatness, THINKS of us so much that it outnumbers the grains of sand! From the moment we wake up to the moment we lay our head back down.  Knowing this, how do I apply it in my life?  In Matt. 22:37- Jesus replied, "you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind." I want to apply this truth by loving God with all that I've got. 


Heavenly Father, Thank you so much for thinking of me unlimitedly.  I can not wrap my head around the vast quantity of how much or how that even looks like!  Because of this love, I can only sit in awe of you.  Lord, I want more of you, I want to yearn for you, I want my heart to cry out for you, but most of all, I want the heart to love you, to be faithful to you, to remain in that love relationship that you desire from me.  Teach me to love you, to want you, and show me how to share that love to others who do not know you.  Tenderize my heart and clean my ears so I can clearly hear your voice, use me that thru me, others will know you. Exfoiliate me with your thoughts, the grains of sand, that I will be so overjoyed that others will know that I have been with you, my Daddy.  I love you so much.  In Jesus Name, Amen.    


As I stand still in reverential wonder at the greatness and the vast sum of God's incomprehensible thoughts, I never want to leave the beaches of which I can find my Lord's grains of sand.  I want to Simply Worship you. 

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