Proverbs 6:16- There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him.
- A prideful sneer
- fraud
- bloodshed
- conspiracy
- evil intent
- perjury
- inticing division amoung God's people.
Bible commentator Matthew Henry wrote, "God hates sin; he hates every sin; he can never be reconciled to it; he hates nothing but sin," but apparently these sins are especially repugnant to him.
This list possesses a common thread; it includes sin particularly harmul to others. Since human beings are God's special creation, he is exceptionally sensitive to sins that cause grief for others. The list also crecendos: the first six sins place emphasis on the seventh. It's bad for you to sin, but it is "detestable" to start a chain reaction-causing others to sin too.
What are the top seven things you hate? The psalmist said, "Let those who love the Lord hate evil" (Psalm 97:10). To love God is to hate what he hates. Instead of despising veggies or hating to drive on icy roads, go a little deeper. Really think about what's on God's "hate" list. Then Banish those things from your house and your heart.
- What on God's list of things to hate surpises you?
- Ask God to show you if you have ever practiced anything on this list. If so, what? (Be honest.)
- How willyou banish the things on God's list from your life?
Related readings: Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 8:13; Romans 1:18-20
-Devotions from various writers, New Women's Devotional Bible, pg: 765
**Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. cOPYRIGHT 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.**
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